
We have a vision of a healthy inclusive world in which all people, regardless of ability, disability, gender, ethnicity, socio-cultural and/or economic background, have full access to their human right to participate in physical education, physical activity and sport.


little girl using mobility aid - US AF Senior Airman John Nieves Camacho

Changing Hearts and Minds

What is iPEPAS?

iPEPAS is a suite of blended learning resources developed by the UNESCO Chair in Inclusive Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness, with support of many international subject matter experts, to enable sector-relevant training and education providers to embed inclusive practice within their pre-service and in-service curricula.

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Global Developments

There have been many global developments and concerted efforts within the sport (and recreation), and physical education sectors in recent years in relation to inclusion, and increasing the role of physical activity within health and wellbeing systems.

iPEPAS is specifically designed to support these developments and bridge the policy practice gap, by increasing the capacity of physical educators, and sports and recreation practitioners to include people with disabilities and other marginalised groups.

The Stark Reality for People with Disabilities and PEPAS Participation

Facts & Figures

Did You Know?

There are over 1 billion people with disabilities around the world (15% of population) and they are up to three times less likely to participate in physical activity than people without disabilities, despite having even more to gain (Rimmer et al., 2010).

Did You Know?

Nearly 50% of children with disabilities that attend school don’t receive physical education (UNICEF, 2014), missing out on the range of benefits, the foundation of physical literacy, and potentially lifelong participation physical activity.

Did You Know?

A lack of (or insufficient) disability inclusion training is one of the main challenges for physical educators, sports coaches, and physical activity leaders (European Commission, 2018; NWCPEA-UNESCO, 2014).

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Physical Activity: The Broader Picture

% of adults globally are not doing enough physical activity necessary for health and well-being (WHO, 2018)
is where physical inactivity ranks as a lead health risk factor causing NCDs and premature death (WHO)
billion USD is how much getting people physically active could save the global economy (The Lancet, 2016)
years before health systems are financially unsustainable due to the burden of NCDs (OECD; 2015; WHO, 2018)